In the last few weeks, we have fully embraced potty training. This has been no small feat, however, for, along the way we have learned several new things about Ayden. (Or, perhaps more accurately, several things have been confirmed.) After spending hours in the bathroom over the course of a Saturday and Sunday, Ayden went full throttle on the whole "going in the potty thing." His diapers were consistently dry, not only during the day but after virtually every nap and every morning. Awesome!!! I had always suspected that once he got the mechanics, he would do very well. So, assuming Ayden would be ready to get out of diapers (aren't all kids dying to get out of them? Everything I read said offer underwear and "big boy" pull-ups as incentives, right?), we suggested he move out of diapers. Not so our Ayden!! "I don't want to wear pull-ups, I don't want to wear underwear" he has chanted to me on a number of occaisions. And, yes, I did the whole let's-go-to-Target- and-pick-out-whatever-underwear-you-want routine. We have spider man, the incredible hulk (or giant hulk, as Ayden calls him), Cars, Elmo... We've got them all. At first, I thought he was emotionally attached to diapers, because Ayden doesn't like change. I think that was a bit of it. But, I've also learned that Ayden is afraid to "fail." Let me assure you, we have not scolded or done anything psychologically damaging in the whole arena of accidents. But, for example, we were headed to the mall yesterday, and he was literally in tears because he was afraid of "potty coming out." Another time, I went to sit him on the counter so I could put his shoes on and he didn't want to sit there in case "potty come out." One afternoon, he was all set to play outside in his new sandbox, but he was so worried about "potty coming out" (are you noticing a recurring phrase), that he sat on his potty chair instead. Slowly, he's logging success and staying dry, but he's still worried about it all. We're using this as an opportunity to teach him that set backs are okay and he does have some measure of control in this situation. Poor guy....poor mother:) It's exhausting for both of us. We could keep diapers for a while, but my gut says that we'd only prolong this same situation. So, knowing that, we're gently (!) trying to move him forward. Kieran is a ready and willing support groupie as he often keeps him company in the bathroom.

Ayden is still an avid mower, and if Josh or one or our neighbors is mowing, he gets out his mower, puts on his hat and mowing shoes (yes, he has special shoes) and joins them.

In the Kieran world, he's chowing down on cereal and anxious to begin more solids. His sleeping has improved at night, but he's begun protesting naps lately. He's a social guy and hates to be left out of anything. He never lays still but is always rolling, getting stuck, rolling the other way, getting stuck, rolling again, stuck on an arm...you get the picture. The other night I tried the whole "stand by him but don't touch him trick" to help him get to sleeep. I got exhausted just watching him move. Some of the things he does I've seen on ab workouts!!
Yes, our family is moving through new stages now and while it thrills me, it also exhausts me. We're good, though, as the weather brings new fun: our pool, sandbox, and puddles!

1 comment:
Crack me up! Let's see, whose kid is this again? Both in looks...and personality? ;)
I continue to be blown away by *how different* Kieran and Ayden look! I'm not saying Olaiya and Naomi are carbon copies, nor that siblings should be, but the disparity just shouts at me every time!
Alright, enough ranting. I love you and miss you guys.
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