Another popular room was the sand room. Here they recreate an island on which research and excavation is being done. There's a ship to climb on, a research tent to go in, and lots of sand, shovels, and even a jeep to ride around in. Josh and Ayden had a terrific time while Kieran slept in his car seat and I watched.

Kieran is becoming so interactive. We're loving all his smiles and cooing. Unfortunately, right now he's got a bit of a cold, probably given to him by his loving mother. So, he's congested and sleeps in his swing in order to keep the drainage under control. Otherwise we wake up to very pathetic sounds of him trying desperately to breathe through his nose. Hopefully he'll kick this thing to the curb very soon.

I had to go away for a few hours not too long ago, so Josh held the fort down, equipped with a pumped bottle for Kieran. Ayden thought bottles were terrific and was so excited to be able to help give Kieran his milk. He loves taking care of his little brother, but he's not very good at keeping the bottle in his mouth long enough for Kieran to get anything. He'd shove it in, then pull it out right away, promptly declare, "He wants his milk," and repeat the whole process again. Anyway, here's a picture of the two of them as Ayden is getting tucked into bed for the night.

This morning, as Josh was getting ready to go to work, Ayden pulled out his cd player and accompanying microphones and started singing along with the CD. It was so cute as he was always several seconds behind the CD; after hearing the words, he'd pick out the ones he was familiar with and sing them. So, here's a short clip of him singing along with "Come, Now is the Time to Worship." In case you're wondering, he's singing to a Veggie Tales Worship CD.
1 comment:
Look at those two brothers! I *love* that picture. And Ayden's in a big boy bed! *Of course he is, Kieran's in the crib!* I say in the back of my head, but actually seeing him in it was quite the realization of how old he is. Also, his pose against the bed post as he's comfortably singing just cracked me up. Again, he's getting so big :( (emoticon translation: "awww" said with the it's-so-cute-but-slightly-sad pouty lip of a that's friend far, far away)
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