Monday, November 12, 2007

New Holiday Traditions

Ayden and I have started a new holiday tradition this year. Every week we're making a new Christmas cookie. As you can see, the process is quite fun and licking the beaters is a given. This week we made peanut butter cups, and next week we're doing cookie cutter cookies and decorating them with frosting. We'll see how many different types of cookies we end up having, as it all depends on when baby decides to be born:)

Ayden's taken to liking having his picture taken and then "seeing Ayden" on the camera when we're done. Here are two photos he specifically requested. Yes, he only sucks his thumb when he's got a finger in his belly button (or bee-bee, as he calls it). The diaper with slippers look was also specifically requested:)


Tara said...

Post #2! Woowoo! So glad to get to see the latest with your family. Keep up the good work mama!

Josh said...

You think Ayden is messy, you should have seen me. Why do you think I'm not in the pictures?

Tim said...

And yet, I only want to see pictures of Josh. I don't care that your haircut at Fantastic Sam's turned out to be a haircut from just plain Sam's, I want my want Josh as the toe jam in my Foote sandwich.

Love, Tim the unphotographed