Wednesday, September 3, 2008


We've entered a wonderful new phase in our family. Kieran has reached a new level of mobility, expressiveness, and interest in interacting with people. It's been particularly fun to see him adore Ayden, and Ayden, likewise, adore him. Kieran loves his folks, to be sure, but when he sees Ayden, his eyes light up and he looks at him with wonderful expectation, "What glorious plans do you have for us now?" Earlier this afternoon, they were both in the living room "driving" cars on some of Ayden's tracks. It was glorious to hear Kieran squeeling with delight and Ayden respond in laughter.

Ayden, likewise, adores his little brother. He makes sure Kieran gets his share of graham crackers, that his Gymbo teacher blows bubbles in Kieran's direction, and that Kieran is properly smothered with hugs.

They both LOVE to wrestle. Our bed is the most popular spot, and when I get home after Josh and the boys have been home alone, our bed is always mussed and the pillows askew due to the throwing of bodies and wrestling. Ayden regularly requests that Josh give him a ride on his back and then run through the house. He also likes to be thrown on the bed. When Kieran sees them on the bed, he bursts into a huge grin, lunges from my arms, and joins in the fight. It's really fun.

1 comment:

Terri :) said...

Isn't it fun to have two peas in a pod like that? There is nothing quite like the connection between two brothers.

I'm glad you guys are doing well.
All our love!
The Nordins :)