Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Home for Christmas

This past weekend Josh successfully organized his first Christmas extravaganza. It was terrific, and I was so proud of him. The event was called Home for Christmas, and some of its features were a Southern Gospel choir, guitar/sax duet, children's choir, men's quartet, and traditional choir. The gala was followed by a very nice coffee house. Ironically, the evening opened with Josh singing a rendition of "Let It Snow" when we were hours away from our first blustery storm. The concert closed with a song Josh wrote specifically for the evening. It was wonderful, and I'm working on getting video of it posted. Josh did terrific work!

Josh and Dave playing their duet.

Southern Gospel ensemble

In other news, we've been blessed by a wonderful small group at our church. One of the women in the group threw me a diaper shower a few weeks ago, and we're set for diapers for quite a while! Any day now we should have a baby. Sooner, would be terrific. Personally, I think this was an ideal week (actually, today is ideal!) to have him since there would be some distance between his birthday and Christmas, but we'll see what he thinks. We're very excited. I'm still feeling okay and am having some contractions in the evening, but never anything productive enough for a baby:)

Me with Sue and Marla (the shower hostess), two women in our small group.

Family pic by our decorated tree.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

It is great to see a picture of pregnant Heather! You look great!
