Grammy Foote and Ayden reading

Grandpa Foote and Ayden
Our small group gets together twice a month, and at this particular meeting we enjoyed the leftovers from the chocolate fountain party we had with our families. The group enjoyed it tremendously, especially the kids:)
Ayden taking a break from the fountain.
Kieran is changing all the time and growing quickly. He's lengthening his awake periods, which is really fun. Last night, my mom was over for the evening, and Kieran was wide awake for about an hour! It was great to be able to see his eyes that whole time and, he even smiled and cooed a few times. To top it all off, he slept for three hours at a time last night instead of the two he had been doing! Three hours of straight sleep felt great!
Kieran and Grandma Trickel
Ayden loves his little brother and makes sure he has his pacifier whenever he might need it. He's very generous with his kisses and likes to join Kieran on the boppy whenever he can.