Monday, November 12, 2007

New Holiday Traditions

Ayden and I have started a new holiday tradition this year. Every week we're making a new Christmas cookie. As you can see, the process is quite fun and licking the beaters is a given. This week we made peanut butter cups, and next week we're doing cookie cutter cookies and decorating them with frosting. We'll see how many different types of cookies we end up having, as it all depends on when baby decides to be born:)

Ayden's taken to liking having his picture taken and then "seeing Ayden" on the camera when we're done. Here are two photos he specifically requested. Yes, he only sucks his thumb when he's got a finger in his belly button (or bee-bee, as he calls it). The diaper with slippers look was also specifically requested:)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Foote Family Blog Debut

In an effort to stay better connected, I've decided to join the world of bloggers. It seems many are staying in touch this way, and I've been feeling out of the loop. So, here goes our blog...

Yesterday Ayden had his first Trick-or-Treating experience. He loved it and went as Bob the Builder. Originally, he was slotted to go as a lion, but the costume wasn't very well received by him (i.e., tears at the sight of it sometimes). Fortunately, it was only borrowed and not purchased and the more familiar Bob the Builder accessories fit the bill. Ayden pushed his truck from house, using its bench as his bucket. (It doubles as a seat and storage container for his tools, so we removed the tools and replaced them with candy.) The evening was a huge success!

Ayden taking Bob the Builder very seriously

Ayden ready to go!

In more general family news, Ayden is now two and loving it. We continue to enjoy his emerging personality. He loves reading, pushing his trucks around with anyone who will join him, and going bye-bye. I hear during most outings, "no home, no home," but we typically end up going home eventually:)

Ayden's emerging wild side

Josh and I continue to plug away at our various jobs. Josh's church job is going well, and he's gearing up now for the Christmas season. This year, he's planning an outreach concert for December 14 and 15. He's got a good team of volunteers, and plans are starting to come together nicely. I'm working part-time at the church doing copy editing work and publicity. It's a very small job, about 15 hours/month. To supplement that, I work about 10 hours a week at Gymboree. Not my life goal, but it's working for this season in our lives. At Gymboree, I get to look at lots of pretty clothes for kids, that's for sure.